Photography is more than a hobby it is a passion, and my prefered medium through which to view the world and express myself. In the real world I am a church leader ( Church of England Vicar to be precise). I am therefore interested in the interaction between Faith, Art and Creativity.
Flowers are another passion - I love to grow things (especially if I can eat them!) But I also grow things I like to photograph too! So it's no surprise that they make up a significant part of my online portfolio
In 2016 I embarked on a 365 challenge (or should I say 366 as it was a leap year) taking and posting a photograph a day using the instagram square format. For most of the year this was a real joy - there were relatively few days when it was a chore. It provided an opportunity to share not just my photographs but my life and passions - so not surprisingly a fair bit of church - but also flowers and people I love. you can see all the images by following the instagram link (plus a few other images)
Fifty @ Fifty
Having completed the 365 project I needed a new challenge for 2017 and did not want to just repeat the previous year. So after some thought I have decided on a weekly project. 50 portraits all taken with a 50mm prime lens. Again I am sharing these through instagram and face book - but once I have the first month out the way I will share them on here - But if you want a sneak peep you can look on the instagram page. If you like my work this is probably the easiest place to follow me