Re-Imagining began when I was studying Caravaggio's Chiaroscuro lighting. As well as looking at the light I realised that he also recreated biblical episodes in what was contemporary dress for his day. This became my inspiration for re-imaging or re-shooting Caravaggio's paintings with his lighting for today. I am grateful for my church family for joining in and also listening to the talks that flowed out of the photoshoots. Da Vinci' Last supper was a very different thing. This was actually shot during an act of worship as part of the talk. We used Da Vinci's arrangement to re-imagine what the disciples were going through at that fateful meal and then shot our version in three sections
The first image is Caravaggio's Call of Matthew
The second image is Caravaggio's taking or arrest of Christ
The third image is Da Vinci's Last Supper